Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
The article considers the condition of sources of fish, seafood and products of their processing on the Russian fish market. It analyses the data on fish production, shellfish and other biological resources for the period 2010–2016 and presents justification for the revealed dependences of fish volume production as well as the structure of fishery of various fish. The research features the data on sales volumes in retail trade of fish goods and the structure of their range. The analysis of data on volumes of the foreign trade market of Russia shows that the export of fish, seafood and products of their processing has increased by six percent and import was reduced by nine percent. Due to this fact the share of domestic fish production has reached 83 %, which exceeds the norms established by the Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation. The paper also describes the current problems of the Russian fish market and offers solutions and the prospects for its development.
fish market, fish, seafood, biological resources, production (fishery), sale, export, import, aquaculture, structure of the product range
Отзыв из печати статьи: Клещевский Ю. Н., Николаева М. А., Рязанова О. А. Современное состояние и перспективы развития рынка рыбы и рыбных товаров в России. Вестник Кемеровского государственного университета. Серия: Политические, социологические и экономические науки. 2017. № 3. С. 34–42.
Инициатор отзыва статьи: редакция журнала.
Основание для отзыва: дублирующая публикация.
Информация о дублировании: Николаева М. А., Клещевский Ю. Н., Рязанова О. А. Роль внешней торговли в развитии рынка рыбных товаров в России. Российский внешнеэкономический вестник. 2017. № 10. С. 94–107.
Протокол заседания редакционный коллегии журнала «Вестник Кемеровского государственного университета. Серия: Политические, социологические и экономические науки» № 1 от 01.06.2022.