Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reveals the conceptual apparatus of innovative pedagogy, i.e. its object, subject, objectives, and tasks. The authors analyze the possibilities of traditional and innovative pedagogy and define the professional pedagogical functions of the course of Innovative pedagogy. The article also features the system of principles of innovative pedagogy and pedagogical conditions required to improve the quality of pedagogical activity in the framework of innovative pedagogy. In pedagogy, the ranking of traditional scientific knowledge and innovative scientific knowledge according to activity products determines the means, methods, forms and technologies of pedagogical activity by the resource of new performance results. How well the tasks of pedagogical activity will be resolved directly depends on the ongoing changes in society, culture, technology, science, and industry. The system of lifelong learning guarantees social and professional inclusion. This practice benefits from constant achievements in various areas of education. Innovative pedagogy as a generator of new achievements and productive methods produces a situational and personalized system of self-organization of the quality of educational services and situational adjustment of the personality in the models of acme-projection and acme-building.

innovative pedagogy, pedagogical modeling, independent work culture of personality, pedagogical conditions, pedagogical function, continuous education system, principles innovative pedagogy, innovative pedagogical tools
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