Kazan', Russian Federation
The research features the issues of development of monoprofile municipal formations through the prism of project management methodology, which was previously applied to investment projects of private companies and had mostly theoretical relation to the municipal level. The paper presents a consolidated view on the approach to the implementation of project management methodology in single-industry towns and an attempt to predict the outcome of this process. The author describes the steps taken towards implementation of project management at the municipal level in 2015–2017, including the process of managerial competences formation in project managers dealing with the projects of development of municipal formations with a single-industry economy. The research systematizes the intermediate results of the priority program "Complex development of single-industry towns" in the direction "training of teams managing projects of development of single-industry towns". An attempt was made to relate costs to results planned by the program. The author believes that the training cost resulted in quantitative changes in the development of single-industry towns. However, no changes were recorded at the qualitative level, which could eventually lead to the initiation and implementation of viable and sustainable investment projects that contribute to the synergetic development of the economy of single-industry towns.
project management, management tools, investments, single-industry municipalities, development program, stakeholders
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