Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Knowledge management became known as a technology (concept, direction) of management in the second half of the XX century. The National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R ISO 9001-2015 “Quality management system. Requirements” was introduced on November 1, 2015. It contained a section entitled “Organization Knowledge”, which caused normative interest in this administrative tool. The transition period was three years. Knowledge management has been the focus of scientific and educational publications. The interest is caused primarily by a search for optimal ways of system's effective functioning under the conditions of “society of knowledge”. It means a need for permanent innovation, prompt adaptation to changes, information space digitalization, etc. An analysis of prominent studies allowed the author to create a knowledge management system (KMS) for organizations. The research highlighted the main stages of KMS design and a number of significant problems of socio-psychological nature that accompany it. The algorithm is not highly versatile in nature, since formation of KMS depends on many characteristics of the company – its resources, size, stage of life cycle, degree of processes routinization, scope of activities, personal characteristics of leader and the team, cross-cultural specificity, environmental factors, etc. It can contribute to the holistic understanding about the main stages of the process and its key problems.

technology, intellectual capital, quality management system, work motivation, organizational culture, project, rationalization
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