Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research features the theoretical aspects of company development strategy. The paper outlines scientific approaches by various authors to the phenomenon of strategic planning and defines the notions of strategic plan and strategy. The theoretical analysis focuses on R. A. Fatkhutdinov’s two-level system and A. B. Idrisov’s concept of strategic planning comparison of marketing strategy. The paper also introduces foreign experience of strategic planning. The research was based on the strategic goals and objectives used by companies that provide financial services, namely Russian banking organizations. The author studied the official rating of Russian banks on a number of key indicators. As a result, Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank, Rosselkhozbank, and Alfa-Bank were selected for the analysis. The article particularly concentrates on the ways each bank realizes its strategic goals within the development strategy. The research objective was to identify and justify one of the most important peculiarities of the development strategy of the banks.

strategic planning, strategic goal, objective, digital technology, IT infrastructure, ecosystem
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