St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The present research featured the effect of academic mobility on international communicative interaction. The objective was to identify the role of international academic mobility in the PR activities of universities. The study relied on the method of content analysis of domestic and foreign scientific publications. The authors used the method of problem interviews to develop an online questionnaire for students involved in international student exchange programs. The authors described the term of PR-technology, as well as the most popular PR activities and types of international academic mobility in higher education institutions. Academic mobility proved to be one of the most effective PR-technologies of higher education institutions. The article introduces a classification of international academic mobility as a process that provides international communicative interaction. International academic mobility proved to have a significant impact on the image of universities and their students in the international arena, as well as on the status of the country in geopolitical, economic, and civil areas.
academic mobility, types of academic mobility, international academic mobility, virtual academic mobility, international cooperation, higher education institutions, international students, PR-technology
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