Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problem of CEO professionalism remains quite acute in the period of transition from postmodern to post-postmodern, from managerialism to direct democracy and intensive subjective management. Managerialists destroy many organizations, which need to be restored, harmonized, and optimized. Career status often clashes with professional development. This problem requires extensive theoretical and practical research aimed at testing the effects, possibilities, and limitations of career management technologies. Socio-psychological technologies are effective control tools for planning a managerial career. They harmonize the processes and results of one's professional labor activity and career path, as well as one's development as a personality, a business partner, and a professional as a multi-level and multidimensional correlation in a specific chronotope. Socio-psychological technologies find optimal, consensual, and synergistic solutions that develop the entire system and its individual components. Modern career management technologies are useless outside the new management model and can even turn destructive. The research objective was to apply analysis and synthesis to the problems of developing, testing, and applying new technology for managing CEO career and professional development. The research revealed that the success of CEO career support lies in the integrity of technologies and support programs.

socio-psychological technologies, career management, professional development management, coaching, managerial competence, management training
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