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Abstract (English):
The model of the sharing economy has become popular in various industries. This model transforms capitalism into an economy based on private property and unlimited consumption. As a result, it improves the efficiency of entrepreneurship, strengthens the social component of business, increases environmental awareness, and achieves sustainable development goals. The sharing model is a rather complex structure. It covers non-market and market models of organization, as well as business, cooperative, and collaborative ties. The original social essence of sharing was in the economy of joint consumption and use; however, nowadays various pseudo-social models with purely market goals often mimic as sharing. The article reveals the concept of sharing as it is used by business organization platforms, as well as its structure, main characteristics, and interaction with the market economy, e.g., digital platforms and ecosystems, Uber business models, ESG principles, etc.

sharing, economics of co-consumption, sharing economy, social market sharing, sharing platforms, ecosystems, Uber business model, uberization, circular, waste-free economy, cooperativism, partnership, collaboration, ESG principles
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