Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
The article features the conversion of public relations in the field of entrepreneurship through standardizing social and legal responsibilities. This process results from the evolutionary coordination of the social will for the rule of law and the state will to respect the rights and interests of society. Institutionalization is a natural development course of any social relations that are based on responsibility. It stimulates people to maintain the standard of rational behavior even in the case of rational ignorance. Legal culture is an aggregator of various implicit and transparent social codes. These codes can be evaluated from the point of view of sociological, philosophical, sociological-legal, axiological, political-legal, and activity approaches based on socio-systemic, phenomenological, cultural, economic, subcultural, managerial and axiological aspects. Institutionalization is an acceptable opportunity to convert social relations into a normative environment. It is a productive and logical way of social and economic development. The article introduces a new definition of legal culture, which highlights the admissibility of formalizing social relations through their institutionalization. The research made it possible to formulate the state reason to respect the best social practices and the public rejection of aggressive rule-making. Refusal to maintain the balance of interests may lead to latent opportunistic behavior of business entities and their unwillingness to follow the ideas of the official legal culture.
institutionalization, legal culture, social order, social contract
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