Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper focuses on the terms of health, health culture, and health-preserving technologies. It introduces different interpretations of health and health culture, as well as the factors that contribute to health and those that can harm it. The culture of health is the most important component of human psyche as it characterizes the level of personal development, education, and health promotion. The authors substantiate the necessity of preserving and strengthening health through systematic sports activities. They reviewed relevant publications to prove that only personal health culture can improve social environment and protect people against the negative factors of the modern world. The analysis of practice-oriented approaches to health preservation in adults resulted in a new technology of developing healthy lifestyle skills in women aged 40–60. The article describes the conditions and tools for its practical application and the results obtained with the help of the proposed technology. The authors substantiated the possibility of dissemination of the obtained experience by using this technology in sports clubs and fitness groups.

health, components of health, factors of health, preservation of health, sports activities
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