Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article introduces an analysis of the digital economic development in the Kemerovo Region. The study was based on statistical data obtained from The Russian Federal Statistics Service, as well as on the expert opinion of local managers. The e-commerce of the local population and organizations remains low. All social strata lack digital skills, and IT specialists are scarce. The local digital economy depends on raw materials and suffers from youth out-migration. The National Digital Economy Project presupposes developing digital skills in all age groups and industries. The authors believe that the local authorities fail to use many opportunities provided by information and communication technologies: even some of the interviewees seemed unable to comprehend the importance of digital transformation. The article presents the dynamic indicators that describe the development of the digital economy in the Kemerovo Region, the Siberian Federal District, and the Russian Federation.

digitalization, digital skills, digital economy, e-commerce, region, Kuzbass, Kemerovo region
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