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Abstract (English):
Different communication channels used by the state have their own weaknesses and strengths. In order to identify specific problems in communication with citizens and to improve the image of local self-government, it is necessary to study the opinion of citizens in detail. The subject of the article is the image of local self-government bodies. The purpose is to analyze the image of the Kemerovo City local government, identify relevant problems, and develop measures to improve it. The study analyzes the official websites and social networks of the heads and administrative bodies of the Kemerovo City as well as citizens’ perception of their image. The authors use the survey method to assess the image of the city and study the tonality of its mentions in media and comments in unofficial communities of the region. The problems that negatively impact the effort to improve the image of municipal administrations were identified. In general, the perception of the municipality administration is neutral, but when a particular topic is relevant to a user, they might become more demanding and information-negative towards the administration. It was revealed that residents lack information campaigns and feedback on a number of issues.

marketing, communications, marketing research, Kuzbass, Kemerovo, image management
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