Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Each innovative industrial cluster is a complex hierarchical system. To study its methodology, scientists have to investigate the movement of each structural element towards common strategic goals. Philosophy gives the theory of strategizing a harmonious development. Strategists rely on philosophers in their search for the most effective research methods. Philosophers answer the questions about the role man in the world and the way people transform the natural, economic, and social reality. An effective strategy for an innovative industrial cluster should rely on a balanced approach in order to improve the quality of life and achieve the national technological sovereignty. To strategize an industrial cluster, one needs to analyze resource availability and competitive advantages, define strategic priorities and goals, develop infrastructure, consolidate participants based on common strategic goals, etc. The paper describes research methods aimed at effective cluster strategizing, including the development, creation, dissemination, and introduction of innovations into the production process. The basic principles of the strategic decision-making system are aimed at successful innovative industrial cluster enterprises that provide rational use of innovative potential and multiply in the long run. The systematic strategic approach to financial investments is a key condition for innovation clustering during the emergency period. This decision-making system for strategic investment can help managers of an innovative industrial cluster to achieve strategic goals, maximize profitability, and secure long-term success, provided that the strategy is implemented consistently and fully.

strategy, strategizing methodology, innovation, innovative cluster, decision-making system
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