Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Vladimir, Vladimir, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2022 until now
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Microbiological contamination changes the qualitative and quantitative profile of food, which makes it an important issue of food safety systems. Finished products with components of animal origin or combined vegetable and livestock raw materials are especially prone to microbiological contamination. This review features the most common sources of microbiological contamination and its prevention in finished products. The review covered 20 years of English and Russian scientific articles and standards indexed in Scopus, ScienceDirect, PubMed, and eLIBRARY.RU. The descriptors included microbiological contamination, food raw materials, and ready-to-eat products. The analysis involved some older publications, provided they possessed a high scientific relevance and/or a high citation index. The search criteria concentrated on the detection of microbiological contaminants in food raw materials and food products in Russia and abroad. The percentage of detections for individual groups of microorganisms was calculated as opposed to their total number. The data obtained can be summarized as follows. Regular industrial monitoring can minimize the risk of microbiological contamination. Complex finished products have a higher risk and require heat treatment. Composite products that cannot be succumbed to additional heat treatment need new technologies that minimize microbiological contamination, e.g., intensive cooling, shock freezing, electromagnetic processing, protective food coatings, etc. Even a small amount of animal raw materials may cause extra risk of contamination with Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella enteritidis, etc. A mix of different raw materials changes the microbiological profile of the finished product. As a result, finished products have to be monitored throughout the entire shelf-life cycle, regardless of the percentage of animal raw material in the formulation.
Food safety, food products, raw materials of animal origin, mixed products, semi-finished products, risk of contamination, microbiological contamination
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3. Beczkiewicz ATE, Kowalcyk BB. Risk factors for Salmonella contamination of whole chicken carcasses following changes in U.S. regulatory oversight. Journal of Food Protection. 2021;84(10):1713-1721.
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5. Kostenko YuG. Guidelines on microbiological sanitary and risk prevention in the production and storage of meat products. Moscow: TEKHNOSFERA; 2015. 640 p. (In Russ.).; EDN:
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8. Malley TJV, Butts J, Wiedmann M. Seek and destroy process: Listeria monocytogenes process controls in the ready-to-eat meat and poultry industry. Journal of Food Protection. 2015;78(2):436-445.
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14. Abdullaeva AM, Blinkova LP, Usha BV, Valitova RK, Hokkanen MA. Microbiological monitoring of contamination of poultry products. Russian Journal Problems of Veterinary Sanitation, Hygiene and Ecology. 2020;35(3):291-303. (In Russ.).; ; EDN:
15. Abdullaeva AM. Assessment of the level of contamination in a retrospective analysis of poultry meat and poultry products. Izvestia Orenburg State Agrarian University. 2020;86(6):232-236. (In Russ.).; ; EDN:
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23. Chau ML, Aung KT, Hapuarachchi HC, Lee PSV, Lim PY, Lin JS, et al. Microbial survey of ready-to-eat salad ingredients sold at retail reveals the occurrence and the persistence of Listeria monocytogenes Sequence Types 2 and 87 in pre-packed smoked salmon. BMC Microbiology. 2017;17.; ; EDN:
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82. Abdullaeva AM, Blinkova LP, Pershina TA, Udavliev DI, Satyukova LP, Pakhomov YuD, et al. Testing of bacteriophages as safe means of protection of minced chicken from contamination by microorganisms. Russian Journal Problems of Veterinary Sanitation, Hygiene and Ecology. 2019;31(3):259-265. (In Russ.).; ; EDN:
83. Fomushkin VI, Blagoveshchenskaya MM, Nosenko SM, Blagoveshchenskii IG. The automated expert system for raw meat microbiological spoilage risks monitoring. Food Industry. 2015;(6):14-17. (In Russ.).;