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Abstract (English):
The aim of the study is to analyze modern approaches to the enrichment of dairy products with missing nutrients in the diet — a complex of micronutrients and dietary fiber. Based on the presence of multiple micronutrient deficiencies in the population and taking into account the relationship of micronutrients in the organism, the most popular and effective is the enrichment of dairy products with a complex of vitamins and minerals in the form of multicomponent premixes. In recent years, β-glucans from various origins and apple pomace have been increasingly used as a source of dietary fiber. Cereal β-glucans have technological and biological properties. The dose of β-glucans for fermented milk products is in the range of 0,1–0,5 %, for cheeses and cheese-like products — 0,2–1,4 %, for ice cream and frozen desserts — 0,5–2,0 %. The advantage of apple pomace is the simultaneous high content of dietary fiber and antioxidant compounds. The introduction of dry pomace powder into the formulation of yogurt and fermented milk products at a dose of up to 3 % provides an improvement in technological parameters, an increase in syneresis and antioxidant properties of the product.

dairy products, fortification, vitamin-mineral premix, β-glucans, apple pomace.
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