Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this research, feed additive Kormomix® SORB had a positive effect on the health of lactating cows and milk quality. The additive includes cell walls of inactivated Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast culture, silicon dioxide, humic acid salts, enzymes, and activated sodium aluminosilicate. Aflatoxin B1 was found to exceed the permissible concentration levels. The experimental feed shares were 50 and 100 g/day per cow. At 50 g/day, the gross milk yield of natural fat content increased by 100.4 kg (4.19 %). The milk fat yield was 101.2, which was by 3.05% than in the control group. The gross yield of milk protein exceeded the control indicators by 2.6%. At 100 g/day, the gross milk yield of natural fat grew by 147.8 kg (6.17 %), compared to the control. The milk fat yield appeared to be 103.9 kg, which was by 5.8 % higher than in the control. The gross yield of milk protein exceeded the control indicators by 7.37 %. The somatic cell count was 2.28 × 105 per 1 cm3 in the control group. In the group that received 50 g of experimental feed per day, this indicator was 1.71 × 105 per 1 cm3. The cows that consumed 100 g of Kormomix® SORB per day had 1.08 ×1 05 somatic cells per 1 cm3.

cows, milk, productivity, quality, mycotoxins, somatic cells, feed additive
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