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Abstract (English):
New knowledge about biofilm microorganisms and their resistance needs new approaches to disinfection. The article traces the story of electrolysis, as well as inorganic chloractive and oxygen-active disinfectants. It describes the basic electrolysis scheme for obtaining salines and electrochemically activated substances. As a rule, their properties determine the target efficiency of the disinfectant. Certain electrochemical processes occur in anodic and cathodic chambers during electrolysis. They are associated with redox reactions of strongly adsorbed electroactive intermediate molecular forms obtained from water. They depend on the concentration of electrolyte in the solution, current power, electrolysis time, temperature, etc. The electrolytic method has good industrial prospects as it simultaneously produces chloractive anolyte solutions and alkaline catholyte solutions. They can be used as a complex for equipment sanitization purposes.

electrolysis, electrochemically activated solutions, anolyte, catholyte, disinfection, sanitation
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