Kemerovo, Russian Federation
The article examines the risks and threats of children’s network communication in the context of the modern digital society development. The author presents analysis of the adolescents’ cybersocialization process, and the classification of content depending on its impact on the children and adolescents’ development (constructive, neutral, destructive). The article describes risks and threats of information-psychological impact exerted using various technologies common on the Internet and in social networks. In addition to information-psychological impact, it is possible to form the mobilization potential of children and adolescents through social networks. The research considers the types of social networks communities capable of having a destructive impact on children and adolescents, as well as technologies for involving children and adolescents in these communities. The author deliberates consequences of the Internet’s negative impact on children and adolescents, such as the formation of mosaic thinking, lack of critical thinking, changes in norms and values, pathological Internet addictions that contribute to the vulnerabilities of children and adolescents.
threats, risks, children, adolescents, cybersocialization, information-psychological impact, destructive content, destructive communities
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