Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
State generates its own social and legal structures, which make up challenging research and practice areas. As a multidimensional phenomenon, State is subject to philosophy, history, sociology, psychology, law, political science, etc. Each science applies its own methods and tools to those aspects of State and Law that it focuses on. Yet, the exact subject area between the sciences that study State remains a notorious theoretical issue. The exact spectrum of sciences that form Doctrine of State is yet to be defined. A universal Theory of State might be a solution: it is a prospective umbrella science that covers all scientific stakeholders. This article is an interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological review of genesis, evolution, trends, and prospects of Doctrine of State. According to modern publications, the ultimate political system, i.e., an ideal state, is a futuristic model of non-state nature that has discarded the state form as archaic. Political history cannot explain why the State and its institutions are imperfect and how it can be improved. This problem is generated by the contradictory nature of humanity itself: it is intertwined with human history and can be resolved only beyond the boundaries of state history. This opinion should become a fundamental provision of Doctrine of State.

state, statehood, state law, constitutional law, state history, politics, political science, political science, progress, meaning of history, end of State
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