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Abstract (English):
The domestic food industry is currently focusing on food products with long shelf life. Extended storage is usually a result of various aseptic packaging techniques. However, preservatives also prolong shelf-life. Such food additives can be applied only after a comprehensive and multifaceted study of their safety and possible impact on consumer health. New studies on negative effects of certain additives make it necessary to review their safety status. Sorbic acid and its salt E202 are common preservatives to be found in sauces, canned food, chocolate, jam, sausages, fruit juices, fish, bakery, confectionery, margarine, oil, butter, wine, carbonated drinks, etc. In Russian cheese production, sorbic acid and potassium sorbate serve as a surface treatment of long-maturing cheeses: they protect cheese wheels from mold, thus reducing product losses. These preservatives can be part of protective coatings, packaging matrix, and smart packaging, especially in flavored cheeses and particular wrapping types. Food preservatives require a strict qualitative and quantitative control to prevent adverse effects on consumer health, as well as elaborate labelling rules.

food additives, sorbic acid, sorbates, preservatives, antifungals, fungicide, cheese surface treatment
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