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Abstract (English):
Pasteurization and sterilization of milk are known to affect its biological properties. Cathodic electrochemical activation offers a prospective alternative to the abovementioned processes. It involves soluble amino acids of whey proteins that are selected from α-lactoalbumins and β-lactoglobulins, including such amino acids as asparagine, glycine, glutamine, serine, threonine, and tyrosine at 0.5 wt. %. Cathodic electrochemical activation provides a long-term preservation of antioxidant properties: titratable acidity ≤ 17 °T, active acidity (pH) 8-10.5; pathogenic microflora ≤ 8×104 (CFU)/cm3. In this study, the butter sample obtained from electrochemically activated milk demonstrated better sensory properties than the control. As for the physicochemical variables, the experimental sample had a 2.5% higher moisture level while the mass fraction of fat was 81.5% and the titratable acidity was slightly lower than that of the control sample (by 0.3%). After three months of storage, the increase in yeast and mold was by 3 CFU/g in the control sample and by 2 CFU/g in the experimental one. The method of cathodic electrochemical activation proved suitable for industrial butter production.

milk, butter, cathodic activation, activator Espero 1
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