Kemerovo, Russian Federation
UDK 159.9.07 Психологические исследования
Academic success is believed to depend on one’s cognitive status. This article describes the neurocognitive predictors of academic performance in teenagers from a boarding school. The author compared neurocognitive indicators in boys and girls, as well as measured their neurodynamic and psychodynamic indicators in connection with academic performance and health status. The methods applied made it possible to evaluate cognitive properties, the lability and expression of nervous processes, the general functional state of the central nervous system, the excitation-to-inhibition ratio, etc. The functional state was assessed using a cardiorhythmographic program. Most teenagers demonstrated adaptation issues. Poor academic performance was associated with poor adaptation. High-achievers demonstrated a healthy central nervous system, a good attention span, and a stable excitation-to-inhibition ratio. These qualities provided good cognitive performance. The girls with poor academic performance showed a functional decline of the central nervous system and brain functions. In the boys, the poor brain performance was accompanied by excitation prevailing over inhibition. The status of nervous system and attention span proved to be an effective predictor of academic performance in teenagers.
adolescents, cognitive characteristics, neurodynamic indices, functional health status, academic performance, adaptation
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