Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Energy efficiency of fuel and energy consumption is an important indicator of regional economy. The article provides an empirical study of electricity consumption, gross regional product, and electricity consumption per capita in Russia’s regions in 2021. The analysis focused on the role of the Irkutsk Region in the development of Russia’s energy balance and economy. The authors mapped the electric intensity as part of gross regional product and found out that it is very low in the Irkutsk Region, despite the fact that this region is one of the largest consumers of electricity in Russia. The analysis revealed a national need for a better theoretical basis in energy efficiency. The research featured the increase in economic indicators of the Irkutsk Region in conditions of leveling the regional energy efficiency to average indicators. The authors used the methods of statistical research, expert assessments, modeling, and forecasting. They analyzed electric intensity by type of economic activity in various regions of the Siberian Federal District. As a result, they associated the low electric intensity of the gross regional product in Irkutsk with its industrial sector, which uses a lot of electricity and provides a significant share of the gross regional product. They modelled some changes in the volumes of Irkutsk’s gross regional product with an increase in energy efficiency in the industrial power consumption sector. As a result, the gross regional product increased by 57%, rising from 1,268 billion rubles to 2,000 billion rubles. The result was achieved by an increase in the industrial sector from 494 billion rubles to 1,226 billion rubles.

energy efficiency, GRP electrical capacity, gross regional product, electricity prices, electricity consumption, industrial economics, Siberian Federal District, Irkutsk Region
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