Novokuznetsk, Russian Federation
The Kemerovo Region is a poorly diversified subject of the Russian Federation, which needs to transform its human capital and overcome the existing managerial and technological transaction costs. The article describes the problem issues of the regional market, as well as the current measures in the sphere of education. Regional universities are ready to implement anthropological and convergent approaches in order to develop meta-professional competencies and complex industrial skills by integrating professionalization and social intentions. Internalization is an internal mechanism that supports self-identification. Personal, social, and professional identification are to go in line with the country’s development strategies through 6–8 years. They should be guided by the factors of domestic socio-economic growth to level the ideological contradictions between individualism and collectivism in Russia. The strategies are the vectors of the managerial, financial, technological, socio-economic, and cultural policy of the state in formal and informal institutions. The proposed concept is based on the transformation of personal and social worldview to motivate improving the quality of human capital and develop high-tech jobs that require digitalization skills.
stratagems, socio-economic development, anthropological approach, convergent approach, human capital, factors of economic growth
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