from 01.01.1972 to 01.01.1972
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Science-based enterprises may cooperate with universities to increase their competitive advantage in the radio-electronic industry. The article describes advantages and disadvantages of this strategy on the market of civil products with patent protection for high-tech radio-electronic enterprises. The academic cooperation may offer a solution to the problem of increasing the percentage of high-tech civilian products in the total volume of a high-tech enterprise. The authors interpreted numerous definitions of the concept of strategy of innovative development to develop one of their own. The new strategy of cooperation between high-tech enterprises and universities presupposes creating an innovative ecosystem at university departments. The resulting definition of the concept of the innovative ecosystem of a university department was compared with those available. By obtaining a new line of civilian products with competitive advantages, science-based enterprises are sure to benefit from the cooperation with universities in the fieldof radio-electronic production.
strategy for innovative development of a science-based enterprise, innovative development, innovative ecosystem of department, ecosystem of department, intellectual property, civilian products, production organization
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