Vologda, Russian Federation
The Strategy of Spatial Development of the Russian Federation through 2025 failed to realize the potential of interregional and intermunicipal interaction, which makes it a key problem of the country’s spatial development. Spatial integration implies a scientific approach to the priorities and tools that would consolidate the potential of stakeholders and regions. This issue is especially relevant for the Northern territories, which make up two-thirds of Russia’s total area. To substantiate strategic priorities and tools of spatial integration, the author identified the essence and prerequisites for spatial integration of Russia’s European North, as well as analyzed the institutional, legal, and instrumental support for strategizing its spatial integration. The strategic priorities and tools in question are aimed at revealing the competitive advantages of each region and restoring the bond between urban and rural areas. The study relied on the theory and methodology of strategizing developed by Professor Vladimir L. Kvint. Using the monographic and comparative methods, the author analyzed strategic planning documents, regulatory legal acts, and reports made by development institutions. The spatial integration is currently provided by deepening the socio-economic unity of the regions. Russia’s European North has obvious prerequisites for integration, but the poor institutional, legal, and instrumental support remains the key obstacle. A vertical integration design center should be organized to develop the interregional value chains. Cities are the nods in these integration chain: their regional and industrial priorities are to be identified and strategized. A stronger inter-municipal cooperation between rural and urban areas will make it possible to activate the potential of remote territories. These measures and priorities should be implemented in the federal and macroregional strategy systems.
spatial integration, strategizing, interregional cooperation, northern regions, competitive advantages, polycentrism
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