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Abstract (English):
For many years, the Republic of Tatarstan has been number one in the Russian rating of raw milk production. In 2023, it produced 6.5% of all Russian raw milk. The article describes the largest producers of milk and dairy products in the Republic of Tatarstan. The research objective was to analyze and assess the raw milk market in the region. The scientific foundations behind the regional raw milk market were analyzed as an integral part of the national food market. The theoretical provisions and analytical assessments made it possible to predict the development of the raw milk market in the Republic of Tatarstan. The main growth factors include the highly productive breeds of dairy cattle, the good forage base, the advanced organization and economy in dairy production, storage, and processing, and the trends for cooperation and integration. With its self-sufficiency in milk of about 160%, Tatarstan annually modernizes dairy livestock complexes, improves the genetic potential of dairy cattle, promotes the systems of reproduction and feeding, introduces a unified system of cattle identification, and uses advanced herd management and feeding programs for farm cattle. In addition, Tatarstan has feed centers that develop sustainable feed consumption and optimal diets. Its remarkably high level of milk consumption per capita was 166.09 kg in 2023, with the standard being 116 kg. The Republic of Tatarstan has become an important supplier of dairy products for the whole of Russia.

milk and dairy market, milk production, milk consumption, food security, Volga Federal District, Republic of Tatarstan, cows, milk yield
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