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Abstract (English):
Ferrous ascorbate nicotinate has a concentration-dependent effect on the sensory and physicochemical profile of milk. In this study, it was synthesized using a mechanochemical method with such reagents as ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, iron (ii) sulfate, and barium hydroxide 8-water. Different concentrations of ferrous ascorbate nicotinate had no significant effect on active acidity, surface tension, titratable acidity, and electrical conductivity. However, the radius of the particles in the colloidal phase depended on the concentration of the ironcontaining additive. At 30 and 50 % daily iron intake, the chelate iron complex resulted in the smallest hydrodynamic radius of the micelles in the dispersed phase of milk. As for the hydrodynamic radius, the milk samples had a monomodal particle distribution. As for the sensory profile, the new product was slightly different from the control sample in taste and smell. The best sensory score belonged to the samples with iron chelate complex containing 10, 30, and 50 % daily iron intake. At 10 %, the color was milky white. At 100 %, it turned pinkish, i.e., the color of chelated iron. In general, the new milk product fortified with ferrous ascorbate nicotinate demonstrated good consumer properties.

milk, ferrous ascorbate nicotinate, physicochemical properties, sensory profile, micelles, hydrodynamic radius
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