Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
2074-9414 (print) 2313-1748 (online)
Russian science citation index:
Yes 27128
Russian higher attestation Commission:

The scientific technical Journal «Food Processing: Techniques and Technology publishes original articles on the problems of the food industry and related branches.
The article should be in compliance with the journal content areas, have the scientific novelty of the presented material, be submitted for publication for the first time. 
The manuscript should contain not less than 5-7 pages (including abstract, references, tables, captions). The text should be legibly type written on one side of the A4 (210×297 mm) white paper sheets in one column .
All the pages are to be continuously numbered in their top right corners.

  1. Each article sent to the journal should be structured as described below :
  2. The UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) index in the top left corner of the first page.
  3. Names and initials of the authors separated by commas.
  4. The title. It should be short (not more than 10 words), informative and reflect the main results of the researches. The title is type written in bold capital letters, using Times New Roman font, size 12. Abbreviations are not allowed in the title, except currently used,.
  5. The abstract of 200 – 250 words should completely reflect both the main results and novelty of the article.
  6. Key words (not more than 9).
  7. The following sections are needed to be entitled in the text of the article:

«Introduction» is a section in which a brief review of the publications related to the problem dealt with, and the validation of the approach taken are presented. References are given in square brackets and numbered (beginning with N 1) in order of their appearance in the article. With several references appearing in sequence they should be placed in the chronological order. The aim of the study should be clearly formulated.

  • «Objects and methods of researches»:
  • for describing experimental work the section should contain a full description of the object of the study, consecutive steps of the experiment, equipment, and reagents. The original names of equipment and reagents should be specified, and the manufacturer’s name (company, country) should be given in the original in parentheses. If a method is not widely known or considerably modified, please provide a brief description in addition to the reference;
  • for presenting theoretical research the section should contain the tasks, approximations and assumptions, conclusions and solution of basic equations. The section should not be overloaded with intermediate data and the description of well-known methods (such as numerical methods of solving equations) unless the authors have introduced some novelty in them.

«Results and discussion»:
- the section should provide a concise description of experimental data. Rather than repeating the data of tables and graphs, the text should seek to reveal the principles detected. It is recommended to use the past indefinite verb tense in describing the results. The discussion should not reiterate the results. This section should be completed with a major conclusion that answers the question specified in the introductory part of the article.

The articles are type written in the text editor Microsoft Word using the font Times New Roman, font size 10 with the single line spacing and having 2 cm wide margins from all sides. The hyphenation program and inter-space adjustment should not be used, the words within a passage should only be divided with one space. Overloading the articles with formula, reiterating the results in tables and graphs are to be avoided.

Mathematical equations and chemical formula should be printed in the Equation (MathType) formula editor or in MS Word as a whole unit. It is necessary to keep to the standard style of symbols and indices, their size and placing: English in Italic, Russian and Greek- in upright type, showing lower-case and capital letters, upper and lower indices. Chemical formula are type written in font 9, mathematical equations – in font 10, each forming a separate line and numbered in brackets at the end of the line.

Figures are presented black-and-white in*.jpg. format. The caption under the figure should contain the number and name (Fig. 1…). The presented figures should be referred to in the text of the article. The diagrams, schemes, etc. should be presented in programs MS Exсel or MS Graph. There should be titles and numbers for the tables, the latter are to be referred to in the text. The width of tables, schemes and diagrams should not exceed 8 sm. Highlighting is allowed in bold type.

7. References. Reference lists are made up according to ГОСТ 7.1-2003 «Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description.  General requirements and rules for compiling». References should be listed and numbered in order of their being cited in the article. Use a number in square brackets when citing references in the text. References to electronic documents should be made up according to ГОСТ 7.82-2001«Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description for electronic resources».  There should be not more than three references to web resources in text. Either, there should be no references to publications that were issued more than 10 years ago. Unpublished works, textbooks the proceedings of conferences are not included in the references.

8. The full name of the institution (place of work), the city. the mailing address and index (ZIP-code), tel. number, e-mail (of the organization).

  • 9. The following information should be sent in English:
  • the title of the article,
  • the authors' initials and surnames,
  • an abstract,
  • key words,
  • the name of the institution (with the mailing address, telephone number, е-mail);
  • References.

The manuscript should be proofread and signed on the first page of the text by all the authors .

In the event that there is nonconformity to the requirements for the article formatting, the manuscript is not published. Articles undergo general editing.

The following papers are sent to the editorial board: 
1) a soft version of the article type-printed in MS Word 2003. The file of the article should be entitled by the first author's surname – PetrovGP.doc. The data file must only contain a single document;
2) a printed copy of the article identical to its soft version. In case of discrepancies between them the editor gives preferences to the electronic version of the manuscript;
3) Personal information (in Russian and English): the full names of all authors, the place and the mailing address of work, subdivision and position; academic degree and rank; telephone number, personal mailing and electronic addresses, date of birth. The author to contact with is indicated by an asterisk. The file should be entitled with the first author's name - PetrovGP_Anketa.doc.
4) a cover letter to the editor-in-chief from the responsible organization with the conclusion about the work urgency and recommendations for its publishing, carrying the date, reference number, the head's signature;
5) an external review for the article, according to the sample, the reviewer's signature being authenticated by the corresponding HR subdivision

The Editorial Board of scientific and technical peer-reviewed journal «Food Processing: Techniques and Technology» is guided by the principles of publication ethics, developed on the basis of international standards:
-  Provisions adopted at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity Compliance (Singapore, July 22-24, 2010, http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/8102);
-  Provisions developed by The Committee on Publication Ethics -  COPE, ( http://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines);
-  Norms of Chapter 70 "Copyright" of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, (http://www.gk-rf.ru/glava70).


The policy of the journal  is based on respect for the individual rights of the author and intellectual property rights.

Editorial Board ensures independent and conscientious consideration of all the manuscripts for publication of articles, without prejudice to the authors on the basis of ethnic or religious affiliation, social status; regardless of commercial interests and relations with the founder of the journal .

Editorial Board shall work to ensure and improve the quality of published materials, meet the needs of readers and authors to make a significant contribution to the development of domestic and foreign science in the field of food industry and related industries.
Principles of editorial activities involve: relevance, importance, clarity, reliability, validity of published research material.

Thoroughness, fairness, uniqueness, the fullness of the submissions, balance, originality, and clarity are adopted as the main indicators of quality of published research papers.

Editorial Board is working to attract and recruit in the staff of the editorial board highly qualified professionals, actively contributing to the development of the journal .

Editorial board is constantly improving the processes of reviewing, editing and publication evaluation by experts.

Editorial board ensures careful consideration of publications for image manipulation, plagiarism, duplicate or redundant publication.

Editorial Board shall decide on the acceptance or rejection of an article for publication on the basis of all the comments of independent reviewers in general. The final editorial decision and the reasons for its adoption is reported to the authors.


Authors submit to the journal article for publication, prepared in strict accordance with the requirements of article typography, including the illustrative material (http://fptt-journal.ru/).

Authors guarantee that the submitted article contains the results of original research, which have never been published and is not under consideration in the wording of the other journals.

Authors are required to refer to the study of other people as correctly and accurately as possible by specifying the original source in the references to the article. Unacceptable is the verbatim of one’s own works and paraphrasing, they can only be used as a basis for the new findings.

Authors do not have the right to copy the references to the work from other publications with which they are not familiar; quotations and references to other works must be accurate and drawn up in accordance with the requirements.

Author, representing the manuscript to editorial board ensures that the list of sponsors includes only those individuals who have made significant contributions to the work, and that the researchers deserving authorship are not excluded from the list of authors.

Author, representing the manuscript to editorial board ensures that these collaborators have seen it, approved the final version of the manuscript, and agree to its submission to the editor of the scientific journal for publication.

Authors must disclose conflicts of interests that could affect the evaluation and interpretation of their manuscript, as well as the sources of financial support for the project (grants, state programs, projects, etc.), which should be necessarily indicated in the manuscript.

Authors are required to immediately notify the editor in the event of an error in any work filed by them for publication, accepted for publication or already published work, as well as contribute to the editorial correction of the error. If the revision recognizes an error by third parties, the authors should immediately correct the error or to provide evidence of its absence.

Authors must follow the applicable laws on copyright protection; materials protected by copyright (for example, tables, figures or large quotation) may be reproduced only with the permission of their respective owners.


Editorial board publishes information materials for authors (the list of the necessary requirements for the articles, the procedure for article consideration and review) in the journal  and on the site http://fptt-journal.ru/?page=for_authors.

Editorial Board shall decide on the acceptance or rejection of publications based on the results of the inspection of the manuscript for compliance with the requirements for registration and the results of the review.

Editorial Board has the right to reject the publication of articles with the evidence of slander, plagiarism or copyright violations. The final decision on the publication of an article or refusal of such is accepted by the chief editor of the journal.

Editorial Board ensures the confidentiality, i.e. undertakes not to disclose the submitted manuscript to anyone other than the respective authors, reviewers, other editorial advisers and, where appropriate, of the publisher.

Editorial Board ensures that the materials of the manuscript rejected from the publication will not be used in the board members’ own research without the written consent of the author.

Editorial Board shall promptly examine each claim for unethical behavior of the authors of manuscripts and already published articles, regardless of the time of their delivery, it shall undertake appropriate reasonable measures in respect of such claims. In the case of the confirmation of claim arguments, the editors have the right to refuse publication of the article, to cease further cooperation with the author, to publish a retraction, and take other necessary measures to further curb unethical behavior of this author.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the published data by the amendment when it detects indisputable errors in the work, an opportunity is provided as soon as possible to make appropriate amendments or correct omissions. Online version of the article is tested and correcting date and reference to the printed list of errata are designated.


Editorial Board guarantees a confidential, independent, honest and objective review of manuscripts of articles. Editorial Board has the right to reject a manuscript without an independent review, if it is found to be of poor quality or does not meet the requirements of the journal. This decision is made fairly and impartially.

With respect to the materials considered for publication editorial board selects independent reviewers having enough experience and no conflict of interests.

Expert evaluation of the manuscript provided by the reviewer, promotes the adoption of editorial decisions, and also helps the author improve the manuscript. On the basis of reviewing results the editorial board makes a decision on the adoption of the manuscript for publication, return it to the author for revision or rejection of the publication.

Reviewer should provide a review within the time specified by the editors of journal . If consideration of the manuscript review and preparation for those dates are not possible, then the reviewer shall notify the editor.

Reviewer undertakes to conduct peer review of the manuscript objectively. Personal criticism of author by the reviewer is unacceptable. All the conclusions of the reviewer should be strictly provided with links to authoritative sources.

Reviewers must indicate the presence of works that have influenced the results of the study, but were not given by the author. The reviewer is obliged to pay attention to the wording substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and the other previously published work, which is known to the reviewer.

Reviewers have no right to use unpublished manuscript materials in their own research without the express written consent of the author. The reviewer is obliged to refrain from examining the manuscript, in connection with which he has a conflict of interests because of the competitive, cooperative or other relationship with the author or organization related to the manuscript.

If the reviewer raises the issue of the accuracy of the data or the advisability of publication of scientific work, the author is given the opportunity to respond to the questions.

Independent peer reviewers are reported, about the requirements to them, and are also provided with information on any changes in editorial policy.

Editorial Board reserves the privacy of personal data of reviewers.


Authors must disclose conflicts of interests that could affect the evaluation and interpretation of their manuscript, as well as the sources of financial support for the project (grants, state programs, projects, etc.), which should be necessarily indicated in the manuscript.

With respect to the materials considered for publication editorial board selects independent reviewers having enough experience and no conflict of interests.

Reviewers have no right to use unpublished manuscript materials in their own research without the express written consent of the author. The reviewer is obliged to refrain from examining the manuscript, in connection with which he has a conflict of interests because of the competitive, cooperative or other relationship with the author or organization related to the manuscript.

Prosekov Alexander  — Chief editor
Kemerovo State University
doctor of technical sciences
Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Babich Olga  — Chief editor
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Kaliningrad, Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
Kemerovo State University
Kemerovo state university
The certificate of registration of the periodical
ПИ № ФС 77 - 72313

The scientific technical Journal «Food Processing: Techniques and Technology publishes original articles on the problems of the food industry and related branches.
The article should be in compliance with the journal content areas, have the scientific novelty of the presented material, be submitted for publication for the first time. 
The manuscript should contain not less than 5-7 pages (including abstract, references, tables, captions). The text should be legibly type written on one side of the A4 (210×297 mm) white paper sheets in one column .
All the pages are to be continuously numbered in their top right corners.

  1. Each article sent to the journal should be structured as described below :
  2. The UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) index in the top left corner of the first page.
  3. Names and initials of the authors separated by commas.
  4. The title. It should be short (not more than 10 words), informative and reflect the main results of the researches. The title is type written in bold capital letters, using Times New Roman font, size 12. Abbreviations are not allowed in the title, except currently used,.
  5. The abstract of 200 – 250 words should completely reflect both the main results and novelty of the article.
  6. Key words (not more than 9).
  7. The following sections are needed to be entitled in the text of the article:

«Introduction» is a section in which a brief review of the publications related to the problem dealt with, and the validation of the approach taken are presented. References are given in square brackets and numbered (beginning with N 1) in order of their appearance in the article. With several references appearing in sequence they should be placed in the chronological order. The aim of the study should be clearly formulated.

  • «Objects and methods of researches»:
  • for describing experimental work the section should contain a full description of the object of the study, consecutive steps of the experiment, equipment, and reagents. The original names of equipment and reagents should be specified, and the manufacturer’s name (company, country) should be given in the original in parentheses. If a method is not widely known or considerably modified, please provide a brief description in addition to the reference;
  • for presenting theoretical research the section should contain the tasks, approximations and assumptions, conclusions and solution of basic equations. The section should not be overloaded with intermediate data and the description of well-known methods (such as numerical methods of solving equations) unless the authors have introduced some novelty in them.

«Results and discussion»:
- the section should provide a concise description of experimental data. Rather than repeating the data of tables and graphs, the text should seek to reveal the principles detected. It is recommended to use the past indefinite verb tense in describing the results. The discussion should not reiterate the results. This section should be completed with a major conclusion that answers the question specified in the introductory part of the article.

The articles are type written in the text editor Microsoft Word using the font Times New Roman, font size 10 with the single line spacing and having 2 cm wide margins from all sides. The hyphenation program and inter-space adjustment should not be used, the words within a passage should only be divided with one space. Overloading the articles with formula, reiterating the results in tables and graphs are to be avoided.

Mathematical equations and chemical formula should be printed in the Equation (MathType) formula editor or in MS Word as a whole unit. It is necessary to keep to the standard style of symbols and indices, their size and placing: English in Italic, Russian and Greek- in upright type, showing lower-case and capital letters, upper and lower indices. Chemical formula are type written in font 9, mathematical equations – in font 10, each forming a separate line and numbered in brackets at the end of the line.

Figures are presented black-and-white in*.jpg. format. The caption under the figure should contain the number and name (Fig. 1…). The presented figures should be referred to in the text of the article. The diagrams, schemes, etc. should be presented in programs MS Exсel or MS Graph. There should be titles and numbers for the tables, the latter are to be referred to in the text. The width of tables, schemes and diagrams should not exceed 8 sm. Highlighting is allowed in bold type.

7. References. Reference lists are made up according to ГОСТ 7.1-2003 «Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description.  General requirements and rules for compiling». References should be listed and numbered in order of their being cited in the article. Use a number in square brackets when citing references in the text. References to electronic documents should be made up according to ГОСТ 7.82-2001«Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description for electronic resources».  There should be not more than three references to web resources in text. Either, there should be no references to publications that were issued more than 10 years ago. Unpublished works, textbooks the proceedings of conferences are not included in the references.

8. The full name of the institution (place of work), the city. the mailing address and index (ZIP-code), tel. number, e-mail (of the organization).

  • 9. The following information should be sent in English:
  • the title of the article,
  • the authors' initials and surnames,
  • an abstract,
  • key words,
  • the name of the institution (with the mailing address, telephone number, е-mail);
  • References.

The manuscript should be proofread and signed on the first page of the text by all the authors .

In the event that there is nonconformity to the requirements for the article formatting, the manuscript is not published. Articles undergo general editing.

The following papers are sent to the editorial board: 
1) a soft version of the article type-printed in MS Word 2003. The file of the article should be entitled by the first author's surname – PetrovGP.doc. The data file must only contain a single document;
2) a printed copy of the article identical to its soft version. In case of discrepancies between them the editor gives preferences to the electronic version of the manuscript;
3) Personal information (in Russian and English): the full names of all authors, the place and the mailing address of work, subdivision and position; academic degree and rank; telephone number, personal mailing and electronic addresses, date of birth. The author to contact with is indicated by an asterisk. The file should be entitled with the first author's name - PetrovGP_Anketa.doc.
4) a cover letter to the editor-in-chief from the responsible organization with the conclusion about the work urgency and recommendations for its publishing, carrying the date, reference number, the head's signature;
5) an external review for the article, according to the sample, the reviewer's signature being authenticated by the corresponding HR subdivision

The Editorial Board of scientific and technical peer-reviewed journal «Food Processing: Techniques and Technology» is guided by the principles of publication ethics, developed on the basis of international standards:
-  Provisions adopted at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity Compliance (Singapore, July 22-24, 2010, http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/8102);
-  Provisions developed by The Committee on Publication Ethics -  COPE, ( http://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines);
-  Norms of Chapter 70 "Copyright" of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, (http://www.gk-rf.ru/glava70).


The policy of the journal  is based on respect for the individual rights of the author and intellectual property rights.

Editorial Board ensures independent and conscientious consideration of all the manuscripts for publication of articles, without prejudice to the authors on the basis of ethnic or religious affiliation, social status; regardless of commercial interests and relations with the founder of the journal .

Editorial Board shall work to ensure and improve the quality of published materials, meet the needs of readers and authors to make a significant contribution to the development of domestic and foreign science in the field of food industry and related industries.
Principles of editorial activities involve: relevance, importance, clarity, reliability, validity of published research material.

Thoroughness, fairness, uniqueness, the fullness of the submissions, balance, originality, and clarity are adopted as the main indicators of quality of published research papers.

Editorial Board is working to attract and recruit in the staff of the editorial board highly qualified professionals, actively contributing to the development of the journal .

Editorial board is constantly improving the processes of reviewing, editing and publication evaluation by experts.

Editorial board ensures careful consideration of publications for image manipulation, plagiarism, duplicate or redundant publication.

Editorial Board shall decide on the acceptance or rejection of an article for publication on the basis of all the comments of independent reviewers in general. The final editorial decision and the reasons for its adoption is reported to the authors.


Authors submit to the journal article for publication, prepared in strict accordance with the requirements of article typography, including the illustrative material (http://fptt-journal.ru/).

Authors guarantee that the submitted article contains the results of original research, which have never been published and is not under consideration in the wording of the other journals.

Authors are required to refer to the study of other people as correctly and accurately as possible by specifying the original source in the references to the article. Unacceptable is the verbatim of one’s own works and paraphrasing, they can only be used as a basis for the new findings.

Authors do not have the right to copy the references to the work from other publications with which they are not familiar; quotations and references to other works must be accurate and drawn up in accordance with the requirements.

Author, representing the manuscript to editorial board ensures that the list of sponsors includes only those individuals who have made significant contributions to the work, and that the researchers deserving authorship are not excluded from the list of authors.

Author, representing the manuscript to editorial board ensures that these collaborators have seen it, approved the final version of the manuscript, and agree to its submission to the editor of the scientific journal for publication.

Authors must disclose conflicts of interests that could affect the evaluation and interpretation of their manuscript, as well as the sources of financial support for the project (grants, state programs, projects, etc.), which should be necessarily indicated in the manuscript.

Authors are required to immediately notify the editor in the event of an error in any work filed by them for publication, accepted for publication or already published work, as well as contribute to the editorial correction of the error. If the revision recognizes an error by third parties, the authors should immediately correct the error or to provide evidence of its absence.

Authors must follow the applicable laws on copyright protection; materials protected by copyright (for example, tables, figures or large quotation) may be reproduced only with the permission of their respective owners.


Editorial board publishes information materials for authors (the list of the necessary requirements for the articles, the procedure for article consideration and review) in the journal  and on the site http://fptt-journal.ru/?page=for_authors.

Editorial Board shall decide on the acceptance or rejection of publications based on the results of the inspection of the manuscript for compliance with the requirements for registration and the results of the review.

Editorial Board has the right to reject the publication of articles with the evidence of slander, plagiarism or copyright violations. The final decision on the publication of an article or refusal of such is accepted by the chief editor of the journal.

Editorial Board ensures the confidentiality, i.e. undertakes not to disclose the submitted manuscript to anyone other than the respective authors, reviewers, other editorial advisers and, where appropriate, of the publisher.

Editorial Board ensures that the materials of the manuscript rejected from the publication will not be used in the board members’ own research without the written consent of the author.

Editorial Board shall promptly examine each claim for unethical behavior of the authors of manuscripts and already published articles, regardless of the time of their delivery, it shall undertake appropriate reasonable measures in respect of such claims. In the case of the confirmation of claim arguments, the editors have the right to refuse publication of the article, to cease further cooperation with the author, to publish a retraction, and take other necessary measures to further curb unethical behavior of this author.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the published data by the amendment when it detects indisputable errors in the work, an opportunity is provided as soon as possible to make appropriate amendments or correct omissions. Online version of the article is tested and correcting date and reference to the printed list of errata are designated.


Editorial Board guarantees a confidential, independent, honest and objective review of manuscripts of articles. Editorial Board has the right to reject a manuscript without an independent review, if it is found to be of poor quality or does not meet the requirements of the journal. This decision is made fairly and impartially.

With respect to the materials considered for publication editorial board selects independent reviewers having enough experience and no conflict of interests.

Expert evaluation of the manuscript provided by the reviewer, promotes the adoption of editorial decisions, and also helps the author improve the manuscript. On the basis of reviewing results the editorial board makes a decision on the adoption of the manuscript for publication, return it to the author for revision or rejection of the publication.

Reviewer should provide a review within the time specified by the editors of journal . If consideration of the manuscript review and preparation for those dates are not possible, then the reviewer shall notify the editor.

Reviewer undertakes to conduct peer review of the manuscript objectively. Personal criticism of author by the reviewer is unacceptable. All the conclusions of the reviewer should be strictly provided with links to authoritative sources.

Reviewers must indicate the presence of works that have influenced the results of the study, but were not given by the author. The reviewer is obliged to pay attention to the wording substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and the other previously published work, which is known to the reviewer.

Reviewers have no right to use unpublished manuscript materials in their own research without the express written consent of the author. The reviewer is obliged to refrain from examining the manuscript, in connection with which he has a conflict of interests because of the competitive, cooperative or other relationship with the author or organization related to the manuscript.

If the reviewer raises the issue of the accuracy of the data or the advisability of publication of scientific work, the author is given the opportunity to respond to the questions.

Independent peer reviewers are reported, about the requirements to them, and are also provided with information on any changes in editorial policy.

Editorial Board reserves the privacy of personal data of reviewers.


Authors must disclose conflicts of interests that could affect the evaluation and interpretation of their manuscript, as well as the sources of financial support for the project (grants, state programs, projects, etc.), which should be necessarily indicated in the manuscript.

With respect to the materials considered for publication editorial board selects independent reviewers having enough experience and no conflict of interests.

Reviewers have no right to use unpublished manuscript materials in their own research without the express written consent of the author. The reviewer is obliged to refrain from examining the manuscript, in connection with which he has a conflict of interests because of the competitive, cooperative or other relationship with the author or organization related to the manuscript.

                        Shubina Lidiya Yu
Shubina Lidiya Yu Kharkive enstitute of trade and economy of Kyiv national university of trade and economy

                        Shulbaeva Margarita
Shulbaeva Margarita Kemerovo State University

                        Shulbaeva Margarita T
Shulbaeva Margarita T Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology

                        Shulbaeva Margarita T
Shulbaeva Margarita T Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology (University)

                        Shulgin Roman Yu
Shulgin Roman Yu The Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU)

                        Shulgin Yuriy P
Shulgin Yuriy P The Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU)

                        Shulgina Liliaya V
Shulgina Liliaya V FSUI «Pacific Scientific Research Fisheries Centre» (FSUI «TINRO-Centre»)

                        Shulgina L
Shulgina L FSUI «Pasific Research fisheries Centre»

                        Shumskaya Nadezhda
Shumskaya Nadezhda Polar branch of the Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (Laboratory of Processing of Aquatic Bioresources, Specialist)

                        Shurshikova Galina V
Shurshikova Galina V Voronezh State University

                        Shutareva Galina
Shutareva Galina Federal Center of Agriculture Research of the South-East Region

                        Shushpannikov A B
Shushpannikov A B Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology

                        Shushpannikov A S
Shushpannikov A S Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology

                        Shcheglov Mikhail
Shcheglov Mikhail Kemerovo State University (Department of Quality Management, Postgraduate Student)

                        Shcheglova M A
Shcheglova M A Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology (University)

                        Shchekoldina Tatiana V
Shchekoldina Tatiana V Kuban State Agrarian University

                        Shchelkanova I A
Shchelkanova I A North Caucasian Federal University

                        Shcherbakova Natalia
Shcherbakova Natalia All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Confectionery Industry

                        Scherbakova Tatyana A
Scherbakova Tatyana A Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology (University)

                        Scherbakova Tatyana A
Scherbakova Tatyana A Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology (University)

Prosekov Alexander  — Chief editor
Kemerovo State University
doctor of technical sciences

Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Babich Olga  — Chief editor
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Kaliningrad, Kalinigrad, Russian Federation


Code 60
Name Прикладные науки. Общие вопросы
Code 66
Name Химическая технология. Химическая промышленность. Родственные отрасли


Food Processing: Techniques and Technology is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal founded in 1998.

The Journal is dedicated to the topical issues of food industry and interfacing areas of science. The Journal stimulates scientific communication between academia and manufacturers. We publish scientific papers of theoretical and empirical nature to promote new technologies and innovative ideas, bridge the gap between regional, federal and international scientific publications, and educate qualified specialists.

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