Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The current paper highlights the social and economic importance of adequate diagnostics of labor market situation acting as the tension/well-being indicator in society. It lists the shortcomings of the currently available mono-approaches, which are mostly limited to either a statistic analysis or a typological analysis the unemployed registered by state and/or private employment services. The study offers an original technique of complex social and statistical assessment of the situation in labor market whose information base is formed by two types of sources: reports and statistical information from job centers and materials provided by selective sociological surveys among the unemployed. The key indicator of the technique in question is the level of the labor market situation, with the hypothetical range varying from 0.20 to 1.00. It allows one to diagnose five types of situations: ideal, safe, normal, problematic and critical. The research offers a card of expert estimates of the parameters characterizing a situation in local labor market. The paper provides a step-by-step algorithm of the technique illustrated by a tentative example. The author puts special stress on the innovative character of the method and proves the need to replicate the technique in profile editions. Keywords: local labor market, social and statistical assessment, integrated approach, methodical tools.

local labor market, social and statistical assessment, integrated approach, methodical tools
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Отзыв из печати статьи: Миляева Л.Г. Комплексный подход к оценке ситуации на рынке труда. Вестник Кемеровского государственного университета. Серия: Политические, социологические и экономические науки. 2017. № 2. С. 52-57.
Инициатор отзыва статьи: редакция журнала.
Основание для отзыва: дублирующая публикация.

Информация о дублировании: Миляева Л. Г. К вопросу об интегральной социально-статистической оценке ситуации на рынке труда. Государственное и муниципальное управление. Ученые записки СКАГС. 2017. № 3. С. 117–121.

Протокол заседания редакционный коллегии журнала «Вестник Кемеровского государственного университета. Серия: Политические, социологические и экономические науки» № 1 от 01.06.2022

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