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Abstract (English):
The paper features the correlation between the concepts of mechanism and method of legal regulation in the context of entrepreneurial activity. The research objective was to determine the features and prospects of the development of the mechanism of legal regulation in business sphere. The research was based on the General scientific dialectical method and such private scientific methods as comparative, historical, logical, and modeling. The paper describes separate elements of the mechanism of legal regulation that structure certain public relations. The authors analyzed opinions of legal scholars on the mechanism and method of legal regulation. The mechanism and the method of legal regulation proved to be non-identical concepts. In contrast to the method of legal regulation, which means a set of techniques and methods by which certain social relations are regulated, the mechanism of legal regulation reflects a certain technology of legal regulation. In addition, it ensures the functioning of both the system of law as a whole and its individual branches and institutions. This study can serve as a basis for a further analysis of the mechanism of legal regulation to determine its effectiveness in relation to business regulation.

mechanism of legal regulation, method of legal regulation, legal means, techniques of legal regulation, methods of legal regulation, sectoral method of legal regulation
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