Minsk, Belarus
Minsk, Belarus
Minsk, Belarus
Stavropol', Stavropol, Russian Federation
Stavropol, Russian Federation
Stavropol, Stavropol, Russian Federation
Stavropol, Russian Federation
Deep whey protein hydrolysates (WPHs) exhibit hypoallergenic properties. However, low molecular weight peptides included in their composition have a bitter taste. To use protein hydrolysates as a component of functional foods, it is necessary to exclude the interaction of peptides with bitter taste receptors. For this, the peptides are included in the composition of the nanocomplex with cyclodextrin (β-CD). Amino acids of the peptides enter the hydrophobic cavity of β-CD, due to which their interaction with receptors is shielded. The composition of such a complex includes up to 78 % of the peptides included in the WPH. As part of the WPH:β-CD complex, the bitterness of the peptides decreases from a very bitter taste (10 points) to a weak bitter taste (5 points), which makes it possible to use it in functional foods. It was also shown that due to the electrostatic interaction between the amino and carboxyl groups of the peptides with positively charged chitosan (CS) or negatively charged succinylated chitosan (SCS), high-molecular complexes are formed. Due to steric hindrance, they do not interact with bitter taste receptors. High-molecular-weight complexes SCS-WPH and CS-WPH have a weak bitter taste (5 points), due to which they can be used in dietary nutrition.
cyclodextrin, chitosan, succinylated chitosan, whey peptides, biocomposites of chitosan and cyclodextrin
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