Kursk, Russian Federation
The legal regulation of alcohol turnover has a tendency for expansion. This research featured the recent tightening in regulatory and criminal legislation against illegal turnover of alcoholic beverages, which led to a significant decrease in alcohol consumption per capita. The author studied the dynamics of crimes in the field of illegal alcohol trafficking and assessed the efficiency of law enforcement agencies as part of state policy to reduce alcohol abuse and prevent social alcoholism, which was in effect until 2019. The article gives a forecast of the Program for Reducing Alcohol Consumption in Russia through 2030. The author believes that measures against alcohol trafficking should be strengthened further despite the current preventive state policy of healthy lifestyle and shaping negative public attitude to alcohol consumption. Criminal legislation aimed at countering illegal alcohol trafficking remains diverse and chaotic. The research resulted in a classification of crimes in this area.
criminal law, illegal alcohol trafficking, alcohol involvement of population, crime, surrogate alcohol, illegal alcoholic beverages
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