Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This review covers 50 years of open-access domestic and foreign scientific, practical, and patent publications on cottage and soft cheese production (Journal of Dairy Science, Journal of Membrane Science, etc.; Scopus, WOS, etc.) The research objective was to collect enough source material and prototypes to develop an innovative low-waste soft cheese technology that would involve milk obtained from the dairy cows bred in the Stavropol Region. The analysis revealed two promising prototypes: patent SU 683706 for a suluguni cheese production method and patent RU 2000105088 for a Donskoy suluguni cheese. The problem of import substitution could be resolved by expanding the domestic range of soft cheeses with longterm storage, e.g., the latest domestic method of Pasta Filata production, which includes such well-known brands as Italian mozzarella, provolone, Georgian suluguni, and Armenian chechil. The method of targeted membrane fractionation seems to be the most advanced novelty in the current soft cheese production. It makes milk suitable for cheese making and raises the cheese yield by reducing the raw material loss. If confirmed experimentally, the new approach will result in a sustainable and green technology for processing natural dairy raw materials and expanding the range of domestic cheese products.

soft cheese, functional products, baromembrane separation
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