Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
The modern dairy industry needs authentic raw milk in cheese production to provide high-quality product control and consumer protection. Unfortunately, unreliable cheese producers sometimes replace goat’s or sheep’s milk with cow’s milk. This process is associated with seasonality and the high cost of milk from small ruminants. The article reviews the methods molecular genetics used to detect milk adulteration in cheese making. It highlights the problems and prospects of applying molecular genetics to complex food matrices, such as cheese. Modern PCR methods prove quite efficient in identifying species-specific sequences by using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) as markers. Multiplex PCR, quantitative PCR (qPCR), and digital droplet PCR (ddPCR) have their advantages and shortcomings. The multiplex PCR method presupposes a simultaneous amplification of multiple DNA targets in a single tube while the qPCR method provides a quantitative profile. These methods make it possible to maintain high industry standards by ensuring the authenticity of cheeses and cheese products. In addition, molecular methods provide supply chain stability, increase consumer confidence, and advance dairy technology.
species identification, milk adulteration, milk, cheese, polymerase chain reaction, DNA, safety
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