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Abstract (English):
Non-fat milk solids make up ≥ 25% of all dry solids in traditional ice-cream. Milk powder, its main source, is an expensive component. To reduce production costs, non-fat milk solids are to be standardized. The article introduces a comparative assessment of quality indicators of ice-cream with different shares of non-fat milk solids. The research featured the popular Russian Plombières ice-cream and its variety with non-fat milk solids replaced by milk and whey concentrates, maltodextrin, and inulin. Full replacement decreased the titratable acidity by 7–8 °T while increasing cryoscopic temperature by 0.8°C and hardness by 2.2 and 2.4 times. In the samples with protein concentrate or dry cheese whey and low non-fat milk solids, the viscosity value approached that of traditional Plombières. However, whey proteins had a low desorption capacity from milk fat globule membranes, which reduced the agglomerated fatty particles, thus affecting the air phase dispersion. In general, the complete or partial replacement of non-fat milk solids with milk and whey protein concentrates, starch byproducts, and inulin affected some important technological and sensory indicators of the finished product. These results must be taken into account when rationing the physical and chemical variables that depend on the content of non-fat milk solids.

ice-cream, milk protein concentrates, whey protein concentrates, non-fat milk solids, inulin, maltodextrin, physicochemical properties
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